Dangerous Weather
Facts On File, Inc., New York.
Five of the books describe the fiercest and most dangerous kinds of weather our planet can produce. They have lots of stories of particular episodes and people who lived through them, but the books also explain how the weather happens. They introduce young readers to the basics of meteorology and climatology, but in an easy style and simple language. The books also contain advice on what to do if you are threatened by a severe storm.
Fog, Smog, and Poisoned Rain is about air pollution. It explains how air pollution happens and what is being done about it. People sometimes imagine that air pollution is a new problem. This view is mistaken. Air pollution has a very long history and there have been times when locally it was far worse than it is today. This book tells the story of air pollution over the centuries.
A Change in the Weather describes the way climate has changed in the past and how it is changing today. The world’s climate is constantly changing. This book tells of climate changes that have altered the course of history. It also explains what is going on at present.
A Chronology of Weather describes how the weather has changed over the centuries and then lists particular examples of "dangerous weather" over the last 5000 years. Then there is a similar list of discoveries that have helped scientists to understand the way our atmosphere works.