Contact Michael
Please email m.allaby@btinternet.com to contact me and ask a question.

Did you know that the papaya plant has 31 genders to choose from?
Did you know there are flowers that never emerge above ground?
Did you know that avocado flowers are female one day and male the next?
Did you know that scientists managed to germinate a 2000-year-old seed found in a jar in the palace of Herod the Great?
Did you know that the world’s driest desert is covered in ice?
Did you know it might have been climate change that sent Mongolian invaders westward into Europe in the thirteenth century?
Did you know that mowing and grazing make grass grow?
Did you know That Elizabeth I refused to enter London in 1578 because the air smelled so bad?
Did you know that the scientist who suggested continents move was a meteorologist who died in Greenland?
Did you know that the first person to enter the stratosphere went there by accident - in a balloon?
Did you know that a Prussian scientist was said to be the second most famous person in Europe - after Napoleon?
Did you know that in Iowa it once rained unopened cans of soda?
Did you know that a typhoon once saved Japan from being invaded?
Did you know that the word “gas” began as “chaos”?
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was the first person to place the Gulf Stream on a map?
Did you know that a large area of the Amazon rain forest was once farmed by people who lived in large villages?
Did you know that in one winter nearly 17 feet of snow fell on Buffalo, New York?
Did you know that an elephant owned by King James I and VI was fed on nothing but wine?
Did you know who invented botanical illustration and wrote the first botanical glossary?