I write books, and sometimes articles, about plants, animals, the countryside, and all aspects of the natural world. I once spent a year visiting a perfectly ordinary field every few days and describing the life in the field as well as its history, and also what was happening in the surrounding area, which gave the field a wider context. It was a reflection on rural life ---- human as well as that of the animals and plants ––– and one of the most joyful experiences of my writing life. The book was A Year in the Life of a Field. It came out in 1981 and sadly it’s long out of print, although you can still find second-hand copies. Maybe someone will bring it out again. That would be good.

In recent years I’ve spent much of my time writing about weather and climate and as you explore this site you’ll find quite a lot of books on those topics. But time passes and life moves on. Now I’m turning my attention back to natural history in general and, for the moment at any rate, to plants in particular.If you’d like to know more about the books I’ve written or about me, then please click on the links to the left. If you’d like to get in touch with me use the contact link. And do get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.