Published Titles in Categories
History of Science
Discovering the Earth: Exploration. Facts On File. 2010. 978-0-8160-6103-7.
Discovering the Earth: Ecology. Facts On File. 2009. 978-0-8160-6100-6.
Discovering the Earth: Oceans. Facts On File. 2009. 978-0-8160-6099-3.
Discovering the Earth: Atmosphere. Facts On File. 2009. 978-0-8160-6098-6.
Discovering the Earth: Earth Science. Facts On File. 2009. 978-0-8160-6097-9.
Discovering the Earth: Animals. Facts On File. 978-0-8160-6102-0
Discovering the Earth: Plants. Facts On File. 978-0-8160-6101-3
Makers of Science (with Derek Gjertsen). Five-volume set. OUP, New York, 2001. 0-19-521680-6 (ISBN for the set)
Geography of Living Things
Biomes of the World: Deserts. Chelsea House 2006. 0-8160-5320-0.
Biomes of the World: Grasslands. Chelsea House 2006. 0-8160-5323-5.
Biomes of the World: Temperate Forests. Chelsea House 2006. 0-8160-5321-9.
Biomes of the World: Tropical Forests.Chelsea House 2006. 0-8160-5322-7.
Ecosystem: Deserts. Facts On File, 2001. Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001. 0-8160-3929-1. Revised edition 2008. 978-0-8160-5929-4.
Ecosystem: Temperate Forests. Facts On File, 1999. 0-8160-3678-0 Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999. 1-57958-148-X. Revised edition 2008. 978-0-8160-5930-0.
Biomes of the World. Nine-volume set: Polar Regions; Deserts; Oceans; Wetlands; Mountains; Temperate Forests; Tropical Forests; Temperate Grasslands; Tropical Grasslands. Grolier Educational, 1999. 0-7172-9341-6 (ISBN for the set) Danish editions 2000.
Weather and Climate
The Gardener’s Guide to Weather & Climate. Timber Press, 2015. 978-1-60469-554-0
Dangerous Weather: A Change in the Weather. Facts On File, 2004. 0-8160-4790-1. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2772-1/P.017.
Dangerous Weather: Fog, Smog & Poisoned Rain. Facts On File, 2003. 0-8160-4789-8. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2741-1/P.011.
Dangerous Weather: Floods. Facts On File, 1998. 0-8160-3520-2. Second edition 2003. 0-8160-4794-4. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2770-5/P.015.
Dangerous Weather: A Chronology of Weather. Facts On File, 1998. 0-8160-3521-0 Second edition 2004. 0-8160-4792-8. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2771-3/P.016.
Dangerous Weather: Droughts. Facts On File, 1998. 0-8160-3519-9. Second edition 2003. 0-8160-4793-6. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2740-3/P.012.
Dangerous Weather: Blizzards. Facts On File, 1997. 0-8160-3518-0. Second edition 2004. 0-8160-4791-X. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2769-1/P.014.
Dangerous Weather: Tornadoes. Facts On File, 1997. 0-8160-3517-2. Second edition 2004. 0-8160-4796-0. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2739-X/P.013.
Dangerous Weather: Hurricanes. Facts On File, 1997. 0-8160-3516-4 Second edition 2003. 0-8160-4795-2. Chinese edition 2006. 7-5439-2773-X/P.018.
The Facts On File Weather and Climate Handbook. Facts On File, 2002. 0-8160-4517-8 (hbk); 0-8160-4961-0 (pbk).
How It Works: The World’s Weather. Horus Editions (Award Publications Ltd.), 2002. 1-899762-54-X
Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate (2 vols.) Facts On File, 2002. 0-8160-4071-0. Revised edition 2007. 978-0-8160-6350-5.
Megabites: Tornadoes and Other Dramatic Weather Systems. Dorling Kindersley. 2001. 0-7513-3079-5
DK Guide to Weather. Dorling Kindersley, 2000. 0-7513-2856-1; Japanese edition 2002; 4-8340-1797-4. Korean edition 2002; 89-302-4571-4. Dutch edition, 2000 (Gottmer); 90-257-3278-X.
How the Weather Works. Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Science Guides, 1995. 0-7513-0167-1 Reader’s Digest (USA) 0-89577-612-X, RD Press (Australia) 0-86438-820-9, 1995. Korean edition (undated), Greek edition 2001.
Living in the Greenhouse. Thorsons, 1990 0-7225-2258-4.
Natural World
Plant Love. Filbert Press, 2016. 978-0-9933-8922-1.
Plants and Plant Life. 5 volumes of a 10-volume series: Plant Ecology; Plants Used by People; Conifers; Flowering Plants: The Monocotyledons; Flowering Plants: The Dicotyledons. Grolier Educational, 2001. 0-7172-9510-9 (ISBN for the set)
How It Works: The Environment. Horus Editions, 1996. 1-899762-13-2; German edition Entdecke die Natur.
A Pony’s Tale (with Jane Burton). Ebury Press, 1987 0-85223-632-8. Finnish: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö. 951-0-15029-0; Italian: Libri Illustrati Rizzoli. 88-17-24075-3; German: Albert Müller Verlag. 3-275-00924-9; French: Solar. 2-263-01227-3; French bookclub: France Loisirs. 2-7242-3668-8; Danish: Clausen Bøger. 87-11-04402-0; and Swedish: Wahlströms. 91-32-12970-X editions 1987.
A Dog’s Life (with Jane Burton). Ebury Press, 1986 0-85223-542-9. Finnish: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö. 951-0-14549-1; French: Solar. 2-263-01142-0; French bookclub: France Loisirs. 2-7242-3295-X; Italian: Libri Illustrati Rizzoli. 88-17-24043-5; Swedish: Allerbok. 91-7506-384-0; Norwegian: H. Aschehoug & Co. 82-03-15587-1; and German: Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung W. Keller & Co. 3-440-05977-4 editions 1986.
Nine Lives (with Jane Burton). Ebury Press, 1985 0-85223-403-1. Simon and Schuster (Your Cat’s First Year) USA 1985 0-671-60090-7. German: Mosaik Verlag. 3-570-03998-6; German bookclub: Orbis Verlag. 3-572-00682-1; Italian: Libri Illustrati Rizzoli. 88-17-24041-9; Italian bookclub: Euroclub. 2109-7; Dutch: H.J.W. Becht. 90-230-0605-4; Swedish: Allerbok. 91-7506-335-2; French: France Loisirs. 2-7242-3208-8; Danish: Lademann Forlagsaktieselskab. 87-15-08506-6; and Norwegian: H. Aschehoug & Co. 82-03-15200-7 editions 1985.
Animal Artisans. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982 0-297-78064-6. Alfred A. Knopf (USA), 1982 0-394-52451-9. Dutch edition 1983 M & P Boeken B.V. and the World Wildlife Fund 90-6590-003-9.
The Curious Cat (with Peter Crawford). Michael Joseph, 1982 0-7181-2065-5.
Le Foreste Tropicali. Istituto Geografico, 1981.
Wildlife of North America. Hamlyn, 1979 0-600-39450-6.
Animals That Hunt. Hamlyn, 1979 0-600-30421-3.
Countryside and Farming
The Woodland Trust Book of British Woodlands. David and Charles, 1986 0-7153-8572-0.
I-Spy Green Britain (with Ailsa Allaby). Michelin, 1993 1-85671-135-8.
The Ordnance Survey Outdoor Handbook. Macmillan London, 1987 0-333-42505-7.
Out in the Country: Where you can go and what you can do. Countryside Commission, 1985.
The Changing Uplands. Countryside Commission, 1983.
A Year in the Life of a Field. David and Charles, 1981 0-7153-7889-9.
Making and Managing a Smallholding. David and Charles, 1979 0-7153-7803-1. 2nd edition (paperback) 1986 0-7153-8907-6.
Home Farm (with Colin Tudge). Macmillan London, 1977 0-333-22090-0. Sphere paperback 1979 0-7221-1115-0.
The Survival Handbook (with Marika Hanbury Tenison, John Seymour, and Hugh Sharman). Macmillan London. 1975 333-18765-5. Pan paperback 1977 0-330-24813-8.
Robots Behind the Plow (with Floyd Allen). Rodale Press, 1974 0-87857-077-2.
World Food
World Food Resources, Actual and Potential. Applied Science Publishers, 1977 0-85334-731-X.
Who Will Eat? Tom Stacey, 1972 0-85468-153-1.
Elements Set
Elements: Fire, the Vital Source of Energy. Facts On File, 1993. 0-8160-2714-5
Elements: Earth, Our Planet and Its Resources. Facts On File, 1993. 1-85697-064-7
Elements: Air, the Nature of Atmosphere and Climate. Facts On File, 1992. 0-8160-2525-8
Elements: Water, Its Global Nature. Facts On File, 1992. 0-8160-2526-2
Textbooks and Reference
Earth: A Visual Guide. Metro Books, 2007. (13) 978-1-4351-0603-1; (10) 1-4351-0603-2.
Children’s Encyclopedia of Earth. The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd. 2007. 978-1-74178-683-5; 978-1-74178-972-0.
Countries of the World: India. EvansBrothers Ltd. 2005. 0-23752-755-3.
Basics of Environmental Science. Routledge, 1996. 0-7475-2485-8 Routledge paperback 1996. 0-415-13019-0 2nd edition 2000 (hardback 0-415-21175-1 and paperback 0-415-21176-X).
Planet Earth: A Visual Factfinder (with Neil Curtis). Kingfisher Books, 1993. 1-85697-064-7
Ecology Facts. Hamlyn, 1986 0-600-34723-0. 2nd edition (Green Facts), 1989 0-600-56618-8.
Ecology. Hamlyn All-Colour Paperback. 1975 0-600-33105-9.
The Dictionary of Science for Gardeners. Timber Press, 2015. 978-1-60469-3
Collins Pocket Reference Biology (with Michael Kent). HarperCollins, 1996. 0-00-470928-4
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. (editor) Oxford University Press, 1994 0-19-211689-4. OUP paperback 1994 0-19-286160-3. 2nd edition 1998 0-19-280078-7. Japanese edition (undated) 4-257217-6. Chinese edition, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 2002 7-81080-054-X. 3rd edition (Oxford Dictionary of Ecology) 2006 0-19-860905-1. 4th edition 2010 0-19-956766-9.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Botany. (editor) Oxford University Press, 1992 0-19-866163-0. OUP paperback 1992 0-19-286094-1. 2nd edition (Oxford Dictionary of Plant Sciences) 1998 0-19-280077-9. Italian edition 1999 88-7287-162-X. Chinese edition, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 2002 7-81080-006-X. Japanese edition 2004 4-254-17116-1. Revised edition 2006 0-19-860891-8. 3rd edition 2012 978-0-19-960057-1. 4th edition 2019 978-0-19-883333-8.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Zoology. (editor) Oxford University Press, 1991 0-19-866162-2. OUP paperback 1992 0-19-286093-3. 2nd edition 1999 0-19-280076-0. Chinese edition, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 2002 7-81080-142-2. 3rd edition 2009 978-0-19-923340-3 (hardback); 978-0-19-923341-0 (paperback).
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Earth Sciences. (editor, with Ailsa Allaby). Oxford University Press, 1990 0-19-866146-0. OUP paperback 1991 0-19-286125-5. OUP US paperback edition 1991 0-19-286125-5. 2nd edition (Oxford Dictionary of Earth Sciences) 1999 0-19-280079-5. Chinese edition 1996 7-5028-1532-5. Spanish edition 2000 84-89784-77-9. Japanese edition 1999 4-254-16043-7. 3rd edition 2008 978-0-19-921194-4. 4th edition (Oxford Dictionary of Geology & Earth Sciences) 2013 978-0-19-965306-5
The Oxford Dictionary of Natural History. (editor) Oxford University Press, 1985 0-19-217720-6.
A Dictionary of the Environment. (editor) The Macmillan Press, 1977 0-333-19754-2. Papermac 1979 0-333-27449-0. 2nd edition Macmillan Reference Books 0-333-34736-6 and New York University Press 0-8147-0582-0 1983, Macmillan paperback 1985 0-333-37951-9. 3rd edition Macmillan Reference Books 1988 0-333-45561-4, Macmillan paperback 1988 0-333-45562-2. 4th edition Macmillan paperback 1994 0-333-61655-3. Spanish edition 1984 Ediciones Pirámide 84-368-0249-7.
Ideas and Speculations
Facing the Future. Bloomsbury, 1995. 0-7475-2066-6. Bloomsbury paperback 1996. 0-7475-2485-8
Into Harmony with the Planet. Bloomsbury, 1990 0-7475-0621-3.
Guide to Gaia. Optima, 1989 0-356-17535-9. E.P. Dutton (USA), 1989 0-525-24822-6.
Conservation at Home. Unwin Hyman, 1988 0-04-640002-8.
2040: Our World in the Future. Victor Gollancz, 1985 0-575-03281-2.
Your Child and the Computer. Methuen, 1985 0-413-56930-6.
The Greening of Mars (with James Lovelock). André Deutsch, 1984 0-233-97655-8. St. Martin’s/Marek (USA), 1984 0-312-35024-4. Warner Books paperback 1985 0-446-32967-3. German edition 1985 Lubbe Verlag. 1985 3-7857-0389-9.
The Food Chain. André Deutsch, 1984 0-233-97681-7. Japanese edition 1987 Shakai Shiso Sha Ltd. 390-11190-6.
The Great Extinction (with James Lovelock). Secker & Warburg, 1983 0-436-01160-3. Doubleday 1983 0-385-18011-X. Paladin paperback 1985 0-586-08501-7. Spanish edition 1986 Hermann Blume 84-7214-365-1.
The Politics of Self-Sufficiency (with Peter Bunyard). Oxford University Press, 1980 0-19-217695. OUP paperback 1980 0-19-286005-4.
Inventing Tomorrow. Hodder and Stoughton, 1976 0-340-19389-1. Foyles Scientific Book Club edition 1977. Abacus paperback 1977 0-349-10017-9.
The Eco-Activists. Charles Knight, 1971 85314-109-6.
Thinking Green: An anthology of essential ecological writing. (editor) Barrie & Jenkins, 1989 0-7126-3489-4.