Writing books takes up most of my time, but now and then I do other things. I have acted as an editorial consultant to Dorling Kindersley and Monkey Puzzle Media. I was a consulting editor for the second and third editions of the Illustrated Dictionary of Science, published by Andromeda. I was also the general editor of the 15 official guides to the national trails of England and Wales, published between 1989 and 1992.
I was the author of the brochure Preventing and Mitigating Natural Disasters published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO-No. 993) in 2006 to mark World Meteorological Day (March 23 in case you hadn’t noticed!).
I was one of the six authors of The Encyclopedia of Earth, published by Weldon Owen in 2008 and I wrote the “Atmosphere” section of Earth, published by Dorling Kindersley in association with the Smithsonian Institution, 2003.
Each year I write an essay on “Environment” for Britannica Book of the Year, describing the major environmental events of the year. The first of these essays, telling what happened in 1973, appeared in the 1974 yearbook, which means I’ve been contributing to the Britannica Book of the Year for 37 years. That’s a long time. But it also means I still have all the notes I collect through the year to help me prepare each article, so I have notes on environmental events, regulations, and policies going back to 1973.